Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Help bring our daughter home from Ethiopia!
This very cool shirt comes in sizes Adult Small, Medium, Large and X-Large. We also have a some child sizes, youth Small and Medium. We are asking $20, and all profits will go towards our adoption travel expenses to bring our little girl home from Ethiopia! It's no problem if you need your order mailed to you, but just add $3 for each shirt.
Let us know if you would like one OR MORE! :)
(email me or my wife, Tammy at ... heytams AT gmail.com)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Auction Item for our Adoption!
She can do it super early if you want to get it checked off your list! How NICE to not have to worry about this during all of the craziness surrounding the up and coming holidays!!
If you live in our area, we can deliver the envelopes to and from Mrs. Martin. If you don't, you can still bid, and we can ship them back to you, envelopes beautifully addressed and ready to stuff and mail!
Here are some examples of her work..
Send me an email with your bid (kentpjones at gmail.com), or a message on FB.
Remember, not only do you get this service, all proceeds go towards the travel expenses to bring our Ethiopian daughter home!!!!
Our Adoption
I have already asked many, and so many are excited to be a part! We are extremely grateful for their generosity and willingness to help bring our little girl home!! Thank you! God has been SO good in providing what we need thus far, and we KNOW He will continue to do so, hopefully using our fundraisers! :) There are still pending expenses surrounding the adoption, but a BIG one is travel since we have to make two trips to Ethiopia. The projected expenses are approximately $8,000 - $10,000. So, our goal is to raise the funds for travel. We know it is huge, but God can do it!
Our first fundraiser is this Silent Online Auction.
So, this is how it will work... I am sending an email/message/post to all of our connections near and far of the item up for auction, and give it a certain amount of time. Whoever has the highest bid wins the product!! If you want to bid, just shoot me an email (kentpjones at gmail.com), message me on FB, or respond to an email I send and we will mark your bid down. When the allotted time is up, we will make the announcement of the winning bidder!!
Thank you so much for considering bidding and helping us bring our daughter home!
Monday, May 17, 2010
The Consecration of Jonathan Edwards
Luke 14:33
I’m confident that I didn’t understand all that was required when I came to faith in Christ at the young age of six. All I knew at that time was that I wanted the benefit of knowing for sure I’d be in heaven one day. I had no clue what Jesus was demanding from me if I was to be a follower of His, and not sure a six year old even can really comprehend all the implications of surrendering a life to a God who requires everything from me. Renouncing everything then and now—all my dreams, all my plans for life, all my money, all my comforts, all my security, all my possessions, all of me. Even a quick glance at even a few passages in the Gospels will lead to an understanding as to why so many people turned away when Jesus listed what was required to be a follower of His.
Following Jesus is so much more than praying some superstitious sinner’s prayer, hoping to get out of hell. If that’s all there is to following Jesus, well, then that’s a cheap Gospel. In fact, based on scripture, that’s a false Gospel. The true and and Biblical Gospel calls for unconditional complete abandonment of all that I am and all that I have for all that He is and all He’s done. Plain and simple, that’s it. It’s all or nothing.
This past week I was reminded again of the words of Jonathan Edwards that relates to this subject. I’ve been encouraged and challenged when I read this, and desire to confidently say in unison with Edwards, “I have given myself wholly to Him”. So easy to say, but an entirely different thing to actually do. The demands of Jesus are heavy and costly. But in light of what Jesus did at the cross, no matter what He demands, He’s so obviously worth it.
“I claim no right to myself—no right to this understanding, this will, these affections that are in me; neither do I have any right to this body or its members—no right to this tongue, to these hands, feet, ears, or eyes. I have given myself clear away and not retained anything of my own. I have been to God this morning and told Him I have given myself wholly to Him. I have given every power, so that for the future I claim no right to myself in any respect. I have expressly promised Him, for by His grace I will not fail. I take Him as my whole portion and felicity, looking upon nothing else as any part of my happiness. His law is the constant rule of my obedience. I will fight with all my might against the world, the flesh, and the devil to the end of my life. I will adhere to the faith of the Gospel, however hazardous and difficult the profession and practice of it may be. I pray God for the sake of others, to look upon this as a self-dedication, and receive me as His own. Henceforth, I am not to act in any respect as my own. I purpose to be absolutely His.”
-Jonathan Edwards
Friday, April 2, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Husbands Love Your Wives
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her... Ephesians 5:25
I’ve been teaching on the subject of marriage the last three weeks and while studying, thought much about what Paul says about how I’m to love my wife. If I’m to love Tammy as Christ loved the church, I have to look to the example of Christ and His relationship with the church.
So, how did Christ love the church? He made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant. He was full of grace, full of unconditional love, love without strings attached, love that would always be there, love that would never leave. Much, much more could be said here about the way Christ loved the church, but the few I’ve listed above are the ones I’ve been thinking about most.
And so, when I consider the many ways Christ loved the church and the implications it has on me and how I am to love my wife, I’ve got a lot on my plate if I’m to live up to the calling God has placed on me as Tammy’s husband. I’m far from being the perfect husband, but the model Christ has given is definitely something to strive towards.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Random Thoughts I’ve Had Recently
*Almost all things Google are awesome. Not sure about Google Wave, but everything else I’ve tried is really good.
*I recently got a new ESV Bible for my birthday. I recommend the ESV.
*The Nacho Cheese Dorito is the best chip ever known to humans.
*Mat Kearney’s music is something I seem to never get tired of.
*I might be as tall as Mavericks back up point guard JJ Berea.
*The internet is not a phase, but seems to be here to stay.
*The shopping carts at Wal-Mart are about the worst ever made. I rarely go in a Wal-Mart anymore, but when I do, it takes me 5 minutes to find a cart that when I push it, doesn’t want to immediately go into a hairpin turn. Almost all of them rattle, squeak, or have wheels that have rocks for ball bearings. Among the many things Target does to dominate Wal-Mart, their shopping carts are Cadillacs. Wal-Marts are Yugos.
*Speaking of shopping carts, all the ones I’ve seen in my travels overseas are 4 wheel drive…meaning, all four wheels swivel, not just the front two. Manueverability is amazing on those things. I wish all four wheels of my truck would swivel.
*Still on the topic of shopping carts, the ones overseas require a deposit. You put in the equivalent of about a dollar, and it unlocks a cart. You return the cart to where you got it, you get your coinage back. Why do we not do this here?
*How did Curling ever make it into the Olympics? Those people cannot be considered athletes.
*It’s possible for almost all nations to compete in the summer Olympics…rich or poor can win in the summer games. Not true for the winter Olympics. For the most part, only the wealthy countries can compete in the winter Olympics. Think about it. It’s true.
*“Words with Friends” app is a huge time waste.
*The most unbelievable app created thus far is Shazam. Amazing. How in the wide, wide world of sports does that thing do that?
*I’m all for supporting our local businesses and companies, but all the nickel and dime(ing) American Airlines continues to do, makes me wish all my airline miles were with Southwest. Charge for checked bags, charge $8 for a pillow, charge for a cracker. Sure wish Southwest was an international carrier.
*I wish The Unit wasn’t cancelled on CBS last year. I think it was one of the best shows on TV.
*The excitement and lure of Facebook has just about run it’s course. I love Twitter.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Seizing Opportunities to Share
Evangelism, sharing the Good News, sharing the Gospel, sharing Your story of how Christ transformed your life is something all of as believers should be active in doing on a consistent basis. Opportunities abound every day, every week, yet so few of us actually take advantage of those opportunities, much less even notice them.
Not trying to cause guilt here, but I’ve written it to remind myself (and possibly you) to seize the opportunities we all have as Christ followers. Not one of us on the planet is so gifted in evangelism, or persuasive or eloquent enough to cause anyone to come to faith. Faith and Salvation are gifts of God, not gifts of Kent, or you, or anyone else. They are gifts of God (Eph 2:8-9). The Holy Spirit moves in hearts. I don’t, you don’t, Billy Graham in his prime didn’t either. It’s a privilege and honor that God chooses to use us though, and we get the chance to see Him move when we act and respond in obedience to share Jesus with others. What a privilege that God allows us to be a part, to see first hand Him moving in the hearts of those who don’t know Him.
This simple truth takes all the pressure off when it comes to evangelism, doesn’t it? After all, since I can’t convince anyone to come to faith, then I don’t have to worry if I mess up, say the wrong thing, or feel like I butchered it. Any words spoken on behalf of Christ, no matter how eloquent or how inarticulate they may seem to be, those words are never wasted! God can use us. He desires to use us. Share Christ, share what He did on the cross, share how the Gospel impacted your life. He will be the One persuading, He will be the One stirring and drawing a heart, and as He desires, He will be the One transforming a life.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
143 Million Orphans!
Adoption from Catalyst on Vimeo.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Letters to our boys
Something Tammy and I did with Brooks when he turned one year old was to each write him a letter that would go in his baby book. We’ve done this with Brayden as well. They will both hopefully have these letters all their lives and can look back on them periodically throughout the years. It seemed a great thing to do at the time, but this last year, I had the thought, why just one letter? Why not write more often to them, sharing the prayers I pray for them, giving them a glimpse of what my hopes were for them during each year or season in their lives. I want to share with them through their dad’s eyes how I see them growing, how I see their personality developing, qualities I see being formed within them. I want them to know what I think is so special about them at age 3, age 7, age 17. I want them to know what it is about them that brings a smile to my face, to know the things I love about them. They are incredibly special to me, and I intend to allow them to see what was and is in my heart and my love for them as they are grow and mature from little boys all they way until they’re full grown men.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Asking for the Impossible
1. If you don’t know, we are in the process of adopting a little girl from Ethiopia. We had anticipated that this coming fall we would be able to bring her home, but during our homestudy last month, we were told that adoptions had slowed down quite a bit in Ethiopia. In fact, we were told our timeframe is now 12-18 months. It was disappointing to hear this news, but we know God is in complete control. Our desire is to bring our daughter home before Christmas, and although we were told the likelihood of this happening is slim and none, this is something we are both praying for. It may seem impossible, but we all know God can make it happen. If He doesn’t, we completely trust Him. He’s sovereign, His timing is perfect, and He knows what He’s doing. If He decides to allow us to bring our little girl home by Christmas, then that’s awesome. If He chooses to do otherwise, we trust in Him and know He’s faithful.
2. Our oldest son, Brooks (pictured below), God bless him, he is not the biggest fan of school. He doesn’t even go to kindergarten yet, just preschool, yet he’s just not real fond of going to school. I completely understand though…I hated school from day one (although Tammy has made me promise to never let our kids know that!). It seems impossible to us that Brooks would ever like going to school, but we are praying that somehow, someway his transition to kindergarten is easier than expected and that he actually enjoys going.
3. I’ll just leave #3 as an unspoken (or unwritten in this case). I wasn’t going to write anything for #3, but in honor of the humans I work with at iGoGlobal, who always like to add lots of unspoken requests whenever we pray as a staff, I had to at least write it here. So yes, #3 for me is an actual request I’m praying for, asking God to do something that to me seems impossible.
So, what about you? What’s the most humanly impossible thing or things you will ask God to do this year?
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Haiti Relief
I’ve taken a few weeks off from blogging, but I’m back. Lots of thoughts rolling around in my head, and lots of things I want to write about, but just haven’t taken the time. As I’ve watched the news, seen the pictures and listened to stories coming out of Haiti the last week and a half, my heart has been broken. Seeing the pictures and hearing the stories about children, many of whom have lost their parents in the earthquake, is especially difficult.
What can we do? Most of us can’t physically go now, but we can certainly pray and we can give. No matter how big or small the amount, we can all give something. As has been said from numerous places, besides the need for medical personnel, money is the number one need right now. If you don't know where to give, Compassion International (compassion.com) is a great organization working in Haiti and 100% of funds given will go to relief efforts. No matter if you give to Compassion or some other organization, find a place to give and be generous.