Wednesday, February 3, 2010

143 Million Orphans!

I love the phrase mentioned in this short video, "...begin an epidemic of adoptions within our churches". What would that look like in our home church of First McKinney if an epidemic of adoptions broke out? What would it look like if it happened in your church? How would it affect you personally?

There are approximately 143 million orphans around the world. 143 MILLION! That's utterly ridiculous, and it shouldn't be! But what if God called you to be a mom or a dad to just one of those children? Just ONE?

Maybe He isn't calling you to adopt, but then again, maybe you've never prayed about it either. So, why not pray? See if this isn't what God desires for you. Whether He leads you to adopt or just to care for and be an advocate for orphans, do anything but ignore the issue (James 1:27).

Adoption from Catalyst on Vimeo.

Thanks to my good friend, Tracey Fields, for calling my attention again to this video from Catalyst. Check out Tracey's blog at

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